
Her Coworker Found Her Fiancé Looking For One-Night Stands On Tinder And Sent Her The Messages

Imgur; pictured above is the third screenshot of their conversation on Tinder

Imgur; pictured above is the final screenshot of their conversation on Tinder

“I never expected this to happen,” she admitted. “I’m beyond shattered. How do I move on from this?”

The internet was quick to give her some good advice.

“Well you might’ve lost your fiancé but now you have a great best friend.”

“Dump him. I had the same thing happen to me and I gave him a second chance. Big mistake. He never deleted Tinder and kept cheating on me.”

“He has shown you who he is and you need to believe him. Guys like this don’t change. You deserve better.”

“Your coworker is a G and you should thank her for helping you realize what a dirt bag your fiancé is. That chick just saved you from a huge mistake and years of heartbreak.”

“Wow what a good friend!!!!!!! There’s nothing to move on too! Pay attention to the screenshot he wants hook ups! How many hook ups has he had since you guys been together? I would stop sleeping with him, pack my things and move out of the house, and go get tested for STDs.”

You can read her original post on Reddit here.

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