
19-Year-Old Says She Wants Nothing To Do With Her Dad’s Secret Family But Now She’s Asking The Internet If She Should Reconsider

“That’s Awful. I wouldn’t want to see her either. Ever. She destroyed your childhood. And your father is appalling too.”

“You have tried and been very reasonable overall. Ignoring his “work trips” etc. But this is too much. But… it’s his home and yep, his life, so you have few options.”

“I’d find a way to move out, away from your father. He’s disgraceful.”


“This isn’t even your sibling! You do not need to meet the woman who your father was with when he cheated on your mother.”


“Your dad sucks! He doesn’t get to absolve the fact that he’s cheated on your mom with this woman just because he and your mom are divorced and he can be with her ‘openly’ now.”

“He doesn’t get the right to play house and you don’t have to partake. I’d go no contact if I were you since his actions caused trauma.”

“I’m sure you will probably get a comment about how you should only be angry with your dad since he’s the one who cheated when married where she was just a woman with no moral obligation or responsibility to your mom (something I’ve noticed is slowly becoming a popular opinion on some social media) but it takes 2 to tango and are both deserving of your ire.”

“Again just go no contact, your dad and the entire situation seems toxic and should be avoided.”


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