
Ever Wonder How Tall Your Online Dating Matches Are? She’s Going Viral For Explaining Her Formula For Finding Out

That’s not the only way to do it though. Another woman has a different trick she uses…

TikTok; pictured above is Dani’s method of figuring out height

A woman by the name of Niccoya posted a video on TikTok of how she calculates the height of her potential online matches, and it’s pretty exact.

“If you ever get tired of using the bottle height hack,” she captioned her video where she explains how to figure it out.

TikTok; pictured above Niccoya gets down to the bottom of how tall this guy in Dani’s video is 

Niccoya says that if you look at someone in their photo and an object they’re pictured with to help you figure it all out (like the beer bottle) you need to work out how tall that object is in real life.

You then need to figure out how tall that object is in the photo by measuring it that way, using centimeters since it’s more accurate, and then you also need to measure the person in their photo using centimeters.

Niccoya measured up the beer bottle from the photo, found that is was 1 cm there and the guy was 7.5 cm.

The beer bottle is 24.13 centimeters tall in real life.

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