
Mom Arrested After She Went To School Pretending To Be Her Teen Daughter

Another faculty member pointed her in the right direction, and when she sat down in her seat she began filming small bits of that class and the following ones.

“A 30-year-old disguising as a 13-year-old. I made it through lunch. I’ve been here all day, face to face with teachers,” Casey mentioned as she ate pepperoni pieces off a pizza slice.

As the end of the day neared, Casey finally got caught. “I told them that I would go to the principal’s office so I guess we’ll see what happens,” Casey announced towards the end of her video.

In a second video that Casey made, she explained her reasoning behind posing as her teen daughter.

YouTube; pictured above is Casey in her explanation video

After pointing out that she thought the faculty members of her daughter’s school were more concerned about her having her phone out than was she was actually doing, she owned up to just trying to prove that schools just aren’t that safe.

She was simply testing out the security. She said it doesn’t matter what school it is, mass school shootings happen everywhere and she thinks it can be prevented by keeping schools more safe and secure.

Then, Casey posted her most recent video, in which the police came to arrest her. “I’m just letting you know that I am recording,” she told the officers that showed up at her house.

“That’s ok, ma’am, so are we,” one of the officers replied. Although Casey was arrested, she was later was released on bond.

You can watch all of Casey’s videos on her YouTube channel here.

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