
He Still Has Paintings His Ex-Girlfriend Made Hanging In His Apartment And He’s Telling The Internet His Current Girlfriend Is Upset About It

“Take the paintings down (temporarily) and store them with somebody you trust, then break up with Willow.”

“I’m afraid one of two things might happen: 1.) An ‘accident’ that might damage them, or 2.) She might go the route of a ‘You wouldn’t get rid of them so I did kind of thing.”

“But no worries, either way, you can just replace them with what she created, right?”


“Willow is very insecure if she is asking you to get rid of art that has sentimental value especially if she wants to design for you an exact replicate.”

“Your love for your pets and how you choose to honor them is entirely up to you. This might be a dealbreaker for her though if she can’t get over her insecurity.”


“My son’s (23) ex-GF when he was a senior in high school took “senior” pictures for him to give me for mothers day. They picked about a dozen poses. Framed several of them. I put them all into my digital frame.”

“He’s currently dating another girl whose job is a freelance photographer. I was worried how the new gf would respond about pics from the ex. My opinion of her became much higher because of the grace and maturity she showed over them.”

“When she saw the pics she was very complimentary of them, even complementing the ex’s skill. New GF adds pictures to my digital frame now.”

“I don’t even remember the ex’s name. But the pictures are precious to me, so I’m glad that they didn’t become a problem.”

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