
He Told His Girlfriend She Should Get A Boob Job But Now He’s Asking The Internet If He Shouldn’t Have Said That

When Lissa would say these things he’d shut it down by pointing out that he likes how she already is and wouldn’t change a thing.

Well, Lissa has been saying these things every single day since finding the photo of his ex, and sometimes more frequently than that.

Yesterday he felt like he was at the end of his rope, and after Lissa started in on the size of her boobs, he replied that if it was such a big deal then maybe it was time for her to get a boob job.

As soon as those words left his mouth, Lissa had nothing to say. She then just walked out of his house and has not called or texted him back.

He really only said what he said because he was beyond frustrated, but now he isn’t sure that was the right way to handle things with Lissa.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“You gave her the response she wanted and she was looking for a fight. Insecure people are exhausting. It’s not your role to fix her.”


“…Asking for a compliment by criticizing yourself is SUPER unhealthy, both for herself and for your relationship. You should never have accepted it or played along, and it’s time for you to stop now.”

“If you really care about her, get her into therapy. If she won’t go, run.”


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