
Her Neighbor Accused Her Of Being Too Young To Own Her House And She’s Telling The Internet Her Neighbor Then Called The Police On Her

A 20-year-old woman recently bought her very own home, and she paid just $15,000 for it. It surprisingly didn’t need to have a lot done to it, though she does need to put a brand new roof on and get new cabinets.

The man who used to own the house that she bought was elderly and passed years ago.

A few months ago she moved into her new house, and she has enjoyed the process of decorating it in her own way.

She does admit it’s an adjustment living all by herself, but things seemed to be going well up until a few weeks back.

While she was in her yard deciding where she would like to put in some flowers and gardens, her new 50-year-old neighbor named Jane, who lives next to her, walked up to say hi.

After she said hello to Jane, she told her that she was going to be her neighbor and that she was working on the property to make sure she was set up to plant her gardens next spring.

Jane immediately thought she was renting the house from the man who had previously lived there, and after getting lectured by Jane on how she had to not be a noisy neighbor or have any loud parties, she explained to Jane that she was the new owner.

Jane thought she was lying when she revealed that piece of information, and she returned to her house.

Strange interaction, right? Well, things with Jane only got weirder from there.

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