
She’s Going Viral For Sharing With TikTok Her Worst First Date Story About Some Guy That Made Her Order And Pay For 100 Tacos

He leans over Myers to order and says, “I would like one hundred hard shell tacos, thank you.” As if Myer’s was not taken aback enough, once they arrived at the window the man started “patting” around his body. Myers immediately knew that he had forgotten his wallet.

“I buy the one hundred tacos and asked, ‘Where to next?’ He said back to his house and I was like, ‘Okay, this is happening’,” Myers recalled with a flat tone. She had already committed to the “date” and was trying her hardest to see it through.

As she walked into his house, Myers realized that the man lived with his dad- who was laying on the couch.

“The hoops that I was teleporting myself through to convince myself that this decision I had made was okay is wild,” she jabs at herself.

They went into the kitchen and the man started unleashing the tacos upon the dining table. They sat at the table and before they began to eat in uncomfortable silence, the man screamed, “Let’s feast!”

The last straw for Myers was when the man’s father entered the situation, though.

The father grabbed a taco and began crunching down while hovering above her. He then asked a major red flag question: “Want to see my studio?”

“I have never wanted to see anything less in my entire life,” Myers said and picked up all ninety-four remaining tacos.

“It was at that moment that I decided this date was over or else I was going to be killed. One hundred percent,” she said.

After collecting the boxes of tacos and walking out, she turned to the man one last time to say, “Thank you for this experience, you will never be seeing me again.”

After this video gained over 18 million views and 2.5 million likes, the TikTok community had tons of questions. Myers came out with a series of videos to answer the most commonly asked questions.

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