
This Foster Mom Went Viral After Showing TikTok The Care Packages She Makes For The Kids In Her Care

Brittany fixes that right away and gets each girl a duffle bag to keep and put their things inside of.

But that’s not the reason Brittany is going viral; she’s going viral for the emergency placement baskets she puts together for the children in her care.

TikTok; pictured above is a screenshot of the emergency placement baskets Brittany makes

Brittany makes each girl she welcomes into her home an emergency placement basket, and inside of the baskets she makes, she includes a bunch of useful things.

Lotion, a bar of soap, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, fuzzy socks, a journal and pen, and a cozy blanket are just some of the items Brittany puts in each basket.

When the girl leaves Brittany’s house, she can keep everything in her basket and take it with her.

The video that Brittany shared of her creating one of the baskets received over 216,000 views.

Brittany also keeps on hand in her home bonnets, silk pillowcases, and other products her girls might need but might not have with them.

Other than providing them little comforts at her home, Brittany makes sure that she spends time with each girl making them feel safe.

She provides them with emotional support and also takes them out to a Shake Shack that’s not far from her house.

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