
Her Boyfriend Nearly Killed Her And She’s Asking The Internet If She Should Make Him Pay For Her Medical Bills

“Even with the EpiPen I was struggling and was nearly passing out, my boyfriend was really freaking out too,” she continued.

She made it to the ER and blacked out. When she came to, she could see tons of texts on her phone from her boyfriend, who was trying to say sorry about nearly killing her.

Apparently, he ate a Reeses and simply forgot.

Her parents came to get her from the hospital to take her home, and after that, she asked her boyfriend to pay for her to get another EpiPen and to cover her hospital bills.

Her boyfriend said he was too poor to afford that, before throwing it in her face that she has more saved than he does (remember, she saved this money for college).

“…He just nearly killed me and now he won’t even take responsibility for my medical bills,” she wrote.

“Well, word got out to his family and I received rude texts from his mom saying it’s my allergy so I should have to pay the medical bill, and I was the one irresponsible.”

She was furious over this and sent a text to her boyfriend chastising him for involving his mom. She then made it clear she was going to take him to court for her bills, which totaled $5,000.

Her boyfriend was mad at her and she’s positive they no longer can be in a relationship after all this.

Now, his mom won’t stop texting her, and his sisters started in on her too. Her parents think it’s time for her to make her boyfriend pay up, but she’s on the fence about what to do.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

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