
A Baby Stopped Breathing In The Middle Of The Airport And This Hero TSA Officer Jumped Into Action To Save The Baby’s Life

“No response. She tried again, and the second time he started to breathe again.”

“The mother was too nervous and in shock to hold her son, so I carried the infant through the walk through the metal detector,” Officer Morales explained.

A pediatric EMT quickly arrived to make sure the baby had oxygen, and thankfully, the baby was alright thanks to the quick thinking of Officer Morales.

Although Officer Morales is no stranger to the Heimlich maneuver and has previously done this on children as well as adults, this is the very first time in her life that she has ever had to do this on a baby!

“Two months on the job and she’s literally a life-saver,” Thomas Carter, TSA’s Federal Security Director for New Jersey, said about Officer Morales.

“Officer Morales’s quick reaction and actions helped ensure that this family will have a happy holiday season. Her actions were inspiring.”

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