
Taking Things Offline: 7 Awkward Yet Necessary Questions You Need To Ask That Person You Met Online When You Go On Your First Date In The Real World

For example, if you have been cheated on and really care about someone that can be monogamous, ask “How do you feel about monogamy?”

For you to wait for a few dates to ask about what really matters to you is just a waste of your time.

“What’s one thing you want me to know about you?”

This is one super-smart question to ask your date because it gives you the opportunity to get to know them on a more personal level without having to do too much digging to get there.

“Does That Make You Happy?”

As your date is discussing their career or goals, or where they are at in their life currently, ask them if that makes them happy.

Ask them with a smile so they’re less likely to be defensive or put out. It’s a great way for you to gauge their happiness and honesty.

Pay attention to their body language as you ask this too because what they end up saying might be different than how they really feel.

“Are you close to your family?”

This one is touchy, but it gives you everything you need to know.

If you don’t want to be with someone that has terrible family issues or fights with their siblings, now is your chance to know before you get too invested.

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