
Her Boyfriend’s Mom Wants To Pass Down To Her The Engagement Ring Her Boyfriend’s Brother’s Ex-Wife Wore For 3 Years

Her boyfriend’s mom accused her of being disrespectful to their family tradition, before saying she’s just using it as an excuse to get Adam to buy her a more expensive ring.

“After basically shaming and wearing me down for hours about it I flatout told her that is between me and Adam but he agreed with her and said my logic doesn’t make sense and asked if I’d refuse to buy an apartment just because someone else owned it,” she said.

She thinks that’s a weak argument because living in an apartment that was inhabited before you is completely different than wearing an engagement ring that someone wore before you.

Adam is not on the same page as her and is backing up his mom, and he told her that she’s causing “unnecessary drama” while “setting a bad tone” for the relationship with his mom.

She confronted Adam for holding his mom’s opinion in higher regard than her own with this whole issue with the ring, and he was extremely insulted.

Adam also said he’s not going to let her insult his mom, and declined to continue the conversation.

“He refused to discuss it any further saying this was a ridiculous hill for me to choose to die on and should be honored to be given the opportunity to hold on to something as valuable as his mom’s engagement ring,” she concluded.

That’s not how she feels at all, and she’s left wondering what to do.

How would you feel?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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