
Her Husband Gifted Her Money, Then Accused Her Of Ruining Christmas For Him Because She Didn’t Spend All Of The Money On A Gift For Him And She’s Asking The Internet If She Should Apologize

“I said it’s all I could afford and he literally lashed out and said “bull! I gave you $600 dollars that’s about the right price for a new gaming console and it was right there at the top of my wishlist!”

“He said it in front of his parents!! It was so so awkward I felt so horrible I wanted to disappear.”

“But I apologized and said I was sorry but I had other stuff I needed to buy and money wasn’t enough.”

Her husband accused her of not being responsible with money, before lacing into her for struggling with finances.

She did point out to her husband that the only reason she doesn’t have a full-time job is because of her medical problems, not because she can’t be responsible with money.

She then told her husband that he very well could get the gaming console that he wanted with his own money, but he refused to do that for fear of people judging him for buying himself a Christmas gift.

This all went down in front of her husband’s parents, who attempted to intervene, without success. Her husband kept berating her, before saying that she ruined Christmas for him.

After that, he walked upstairs and refused to speak to her until they had gone home, at which point it wasn’t talking it was fighting over the present all over again.

“He kept repeating that he was disappointed and that I ruined Christmas for him saying “good job screwing up” even after I pointed out how rude it was of him to react like that in front of his parents,” she continued.

Now, her husband expects her to apologize to him, and she’s left wondering if she really should.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

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