
She’s Pretty Sure Her Boyfriend Is Starting To Resent Her Because She Hasn’t Lost Any Weight And He Asked Her To When She First Met Him

Her boyfriend insists that he wants her to drop more weight for her own health and so she can be the best possible version of herself.

She knows it sounds good at a surface level, but underneath, she thinks there’s something more to this and it’s beginning to impact her self-esteem.

“It makes me overthink everything like how he doesn’t really post me online often and how he never seems supportive of body positivity in general,” she continued.

“I am torn because as a pretty thick woman. I’ve never had issues finding lovers/partners. But I wonder if my boyfriend is only with me because of my personality and that I’m truly not his type.”

She’s concerned she’s with someone who does not love her no matter what, and she knows that she loves her boyfriend unconditionally.

She just wants that in return.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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