
She Vanished 3 Separate Times And Hasn’t Been Seen In 4 Years

Almost two weeks after her disappearance, she was spotted on surveillance footage at the Apple Store in midtown.

She was dressed in workout gear and had her hair swept up in a ponytail. Two days after that, Hannah was seen in a Starbucks.

After being missing for three weeks, Hannah was found floating face down in the water not far from the Statue of Liberty.

Facebook; Hannah is pictured above on a boat

Miraculously, Hannah was alive when she was pulled out of the water by the crew of the Staten Island ferry that had seen her floating by.

She was not in good shape, but she was breathing.

She had suffered terrible sunburn to one-half of her body, she was severely dehydrated and she also had hypothermia.

As Hannah laid there in the hospital bed recovering, she eventually mentioned the last thing that came to mind was going running in Riverside Park.

She had no idea what had happened after that, but she remembered everything about her life before that.

So where had Hannah gone for all those days and why couldn’t she remember?

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