
He Uninvited His Girlfriend To Dinner With His Family Because She Didn’t Dress Modestly And Now He’s Asking The Internet If He Was Being Unreasonable

His girlfriend did let him see the dress she was planning on wearing and he thought it was even less conservative than what she had on back at the family dinner in December.

“I told her that what’s modest to her isn’t going to be what’s modest to an 89-year-old woman,” he said.

“I told her if she wanted to buy a dress I’d pay for it.” His girlfriend refused to wear a different dress, and they got into a fight over this.

Since his girlfriend wouldn’t give in, he let her know it “would be better” if she did not even come to the family dinner and then they could figure out something for the following dinner so she could attend.

“She then said she wasn’t getting a different dress and I told her that it’s best she not come and I’d go without her,” he continued.

“She told me I was being unreasonable and putting an old woman’s outdated views over her freedom.”

He doesn’t believe his girlfriend is right at all. He thinks he was being nothing but reasonable while trying to not upset his grandma for a second time.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“If you want a future with somebody, stand up for them instead of just obliging by your family’s opinions.”

“If your grandma is judging her because she doesn’t want to wear a potato sack, that’s on grandma.”


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