Her Boyfriend Planned On Going To A Destination Wedding Without Her And Instead With A Girl He Told Her He Used To Have Feelings For

A 26-year-old woman is dating a 24-year-old guy, and before they even got together, her boyfriend already arranged to go to a destination wedding.
He planned to go with a friend of his that he had feelings for, and they were also going with another couple.
Her boyfriend, his female friend, and the couple were going to do a 7-hour road trip together to get to where the wedding was, and then they planned to all share one hotel room for two evenings.
Her boyfriend did tell her about the wedding early on in their relationship, and her boyfriend didn’t hide that he had feelings for his friend that he’s going to the wedding with.
“After we had gotten more serious, this said friend requested a ride home from him at four in the morning and I felt uneasy about a girl he used to have relations with contacting him that late at night,” she explained.
“I realized then that part of that uneasiness came from the fact that we had gotten more serious and he had still not invited me to the wedding.”
“When I expressed feeling jealous he insisted that he explained the magnitude of their dynamic too intensely and that I had nothing to worry about.”
The day after she brought this up to him, he was distant, and he chalked it up to her being overdramatic.
She was very upset that her boyfriend didn’t invite her to the wedding, and she decided to bring this up to him on another occasion.

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Her boyfriend did ask the bride if she could attend the wedding, and the bride was very kind and said that she could go.
“Once we were actually at the wedding, however, I realized that there was still a definite chemistry with this female friend and he was making much more of an effort to engage with her than me(at one point he left a group conversation we were both in together and I looked over to see the two of them engaged in a prolonged hug),” she said.
“Later that night I expressed how hurt I was feeling and he apologized profusely and said that he didn’t want to lose me.”
They did discuss this further and “made up.” The wedding happened 4 weeks ago, and she can’t let it go that she feels hurt about it still.
She feels that he broke her trust, and she’s frequently lashing out at him over it.
She’s not sure how to forgive and forget this whole thing, as she does want to continue to date him.
How would you handle this?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
More About:Weddings