
Her Fiancé Dumped Her, Called Off Their Wedding, And Accused Her Of Being Nothing But A Gold Digger

He stormed out of their place and in the days that followed, she didn’t hear anything from him at all, though she desperately tried to reach him in a variety of different ways.

After several days, her ex-fiancé reached out to her to let her know that one of her friends did let him see some photos of the guys she dated before him.

Her ex-fiancé said she was a “wild party girl” back in the day before he freaked out on her and said some awful things to her.

“A gold digger, said I would have never dated him 10 years ago because he’s average height and nerdy and skinny and that I only want him for his money now,” she said.

“I can’t believe my friend and bridesmaid would betray me like that and tell him these things to add fuel to the fire, but that isn’t the point…”

Her ex-fiancé kept going; saying she did not make him feel like he was good-looking and he maintained that had to be because he looked nothing like her exes so she could not be attracted to him at all.

“I told him that’s not true and I’m insanely attracted to him and love him and my tastes have changed because I want to start a family and I’m not that same girl I used to be and want a man who’s made something of himself and is educated like me and that those jocks are losers who I’d never want to start a family with, we were just young and dumb and having fun,” she continued.

“He told me don’t bother it’s all over. He canceled the hall we had booked. He said our engagement is over and he never wants to talk to me again.”

Since then, she’s been constantly crying and she’s blindsided by his behavior. They sent out their wedding invitations and now she has to tell all of their loved ones that the wedding is off, which is embarrassing.

She has tried to contact her ex-fiancé without success, and then she reached out to his family members and friends, who are shocked that he did this to her.

Alinnan –
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