Her Fiancé Dumped Her On Christmas Eve Then Tried To Take It Back A Few Days Later

A 31-year-old woman was engaged up until recently to her 36-year-old fiancé, who she has been with for the last 3 years.

One of the biggest issues she has had with her fiancé is that he avoids conflict, and when things bother him, he allows them to build up but he won’t discuss or communicate the problem that he has.

Their most recent conflict happened when her fiancé wanted to get Christmas gifts for his nephews and nieces, and he wanted to spend $100 on each of them.

She didn’t agree, and wanted to buy his nephews and nieces something on the smaller side and only spend $40 on each of them.

When her fiancé found out that they were not on the same page about the presents, he acted very defeated and refused to speak to her about it. An entire week passed without them talking about the present problem.

“Cut to Christmas Eve, we are coming home from a friend’s house and I told a borderline inappropriate joke in the car,” she explained.

“We get home and fiancé blows up. He says a lot of hurtful things directed at me and our relationship.”

“He tells me he would be happier alone, hates traveling with me, thinks we’re incompatible, etc.”

“Then he tells me we are done. I feel absolutely blindsided and heartbroken by this. I sleep in the spare room with our dog and lay awake all night.”

burdun – stock.adobe.com

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The following day was Christmas, and her fiancé said basically nothing to her, and he was still very angry. She did ask him several questions, and he only replied with a word or two at best.

They did end up going together to her fiancé’s family’s house for Christmas, and they both put on smiles and pretended that nothing was the matter between them.

They managed to get through the family Christmas without anyone guessing there was a problem, and then they began their drive home together.

“I try to talk to him on the way home and he is still angry about it and tells me that I challenge him too much and he wants a traditional housewife or a deadbeat who lets him do what he wants,” she said.

The day after Christmas, her fiancé got the stomach flu and so she left him alone all day. She did call her sister and mom to let them know that they were done and she decided to move back home.

“I start to envision a new life for myself and feel excited to live close to my family as I have lived away from them for 8 years,” she revealed.

“The next day he starts to feel better from the flu and we talk for 2 hours. We talk about all the problems.”

“We then spend the next couple of days reflecting and talking about everything that has gone on. Fiancé realizes he cannot live without me and our dog.”

“He promises to change and says he will do anything to make it work. I tell him the things that need to happen for me to even consider it: medication, therapy, quitting drinking (he’s mean when he drinks), anger management classes, and couples therapy.”

She was floored that he brought up doing all of this in order to make their relationship work. The very next day he did go to the doctor to get medication for ADHD and anxiety.

Several days went by, and her fiancé began pitching in around the house, which is something he had never done before.

He was cooking, he was doing laundry, he was taking his meds and trying to open up.

“I am feeling stuck because I feel like he has potential but his behavior on Christmas Eve/Christmas destroyed the basic trust and respect in the relationship,” she continued.

“He has apologized many times but I have told him I need to see his behavior change.”

She really isn’t sure what she should do. Part of her really does want to be free of him and do her own thing, while the other part of her does want their relationship to work.

How would you handle this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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