
His Boyfriend Expects Him To Divorce His Best Friend And Take Her Off His Health Insurance So He’s Asking The Internet Which One Of Them Is Being Unreasonable Here

“He thinks I’m being unreasonable and this led to a huge argument between us, I don’t think I’m being unreasonable as he has no interest in marriage and we already live together so this changes nothing for us.”

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“You are doing an amazing thing for someone. He needs to get over his feelings. The only thing I can think of is maybe he secretly wants marriage.”

“Otherwise his motives are selfish and just bad all around. Your friend is lucky to have someone like you in her life. Bravo my friend.”


“He knew this arrangement going into a relationship with you and it doesn’t hurt him at all. He’s being ridiculous.”


“Look, it’s really not that big of a deal to be with someone who is legally married to someone else, as long as the marriage is in name only.”

“I’m still married legally to my ex-husband, but we’ve been separated for 10yrs (neither of us will pay for the divorce and we are both stubborn) and it doesn’t bother my current partner at all. And that was an actual marriage, not one merely of convenience and no romantic interest at all.”

“…Your boyfriend needs to get over himself.”


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