
She’s Footing The Bill For Her Brother’s Entire Wedding, But He’s Not Inviting Her To Be In The Bridal Party Or Involving Her At All, So She’s Feeling Like He’s Taking Advantage Of Her

Her future sister-in-law is only able to hold down a part-time job due to a medical problem that she has, and she won’t ever be able to get a full-time job because of her condition.

Her future sister-in-law and her brother already have tried two rounds of IVF; one round the NHS paid for, and the second round her future sister-in-law’s family paid for.

Since her future sister-in-law’s family paid for the second round, they told her they could not help cover the costs of the upcoming wedding at all.

Because of that and because she makes a lot of money, her brother reached out and asked her to help them out with paying for the wedding.

She offered to foot the bill for her brother’s entire wedding, as she figured he is only having 100 people and it won’t cost that much.

She made a separate bank account for the wedding and deposited a little under $34,000 into the account. She then granted account access to her brother, as well as her future sister-in-law.

Her future sister-in-law has already included her whole family in the bridal party, and they have been asked to be groomsmen and bridesmaids.

Unfortunately, she and her husband haven’t been included in the bridal party at all, and they were only invited to the wedding as guests.

On top of this, her future sister-in-law has invited her family to take tours of different venues, but she hasn’t been asked to be part of that either.

She’s simply getting emails of how much each venue will cost and whether or not her brother and future sister-in-law are going to pick that venue.

ver0nicka –
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