Their Best Friend Is Obsessed With Furry Roleplaying And It’s Destroying Their Friendship

A 26-year-old nonbinary person has a 26-year-old best female friend named Jenna, and they have been best friends since birth.

They were born just days away from Jenna, and their moms were best friends so they grew up to be very close too.

Previously, they felt that they could trust Jenna with anything, but that all changed very recently.

Not long ago, they gained custody of their daughter Delia, who is 2. It was an extremely difficult time for them going through the custody battle, and one of the hardest experiences of their life.

“I wish I could say Jenna was there for me but… Like… No. She wasn’t, to put it lightly,” they explained.

“Jenna is a furry- and I guess in a way so am I. Due to the distance, Jenna and I have between us since she had to move to a completely different country for work, we primarily chat on a service called Discord.”

“We are in a few servers together and call each other daily. One of these servers is a massive roleplay server for furries.”

“I’ve always roleplayed on forums online as a form of escapism and joined this server for Jenna- I enjoy being able to create characters and draw art for them and it honestly sounded like a fun thing to do alongside her.”

Well, if they could go back in time and tell themselves to never get involved with the furry world, they would do that.

goldeneden –

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Jenna is completely and utterly obsessed with the furry characters she has created, and she cannot talk about anything else.

“I can’t even talk about my day,” they said. “I can’t say what’s up without her telling me about her woodpecker fursona and the hijinks this character is in right now.”

“I’m glad she’s passionate but for five years straight it’s been like this. If we’re not talking about her characters, we’re talking about OUR characters interacting.”

“Our characters are in a deep storyline that’s been going on for like 3 years now, and there’s been a few developments on her end that have gotten… weird. I’ll get to that.”

Ever since they gained custody of Delia, they want to make the time to be in her life and be there for her.

This means that they haven’t spent as much time on their furry roleplaying, and this is something that Jenna has taken note of.

Jenna started complaining about their lack of time spent on the furry stuff, and then Jenna started taking issue with Delia for taking time away from her too.

“Jenna said she didn’t like that she wasn’t a priority anymore and that I never have time to roleplay with her anymore, and that I could hire a babysitter for Delia every other day,” they revealed.

“That’s where I blew up. I told her I didn’t want to prioritize her explicit fetish furry roleplay that she’s kind of forced me into over my own daughter and that ever since this roleplaying stuff started, it’s all she’s ever cared about.”

“She’s never once comforted me when I was being abused, and whenever I have expressed that I want to talk about something else, she’d say she wasn’t interested in talking about that.”

“I also said that it’s ridiculous of her to even think of complaining about this, she knows how hard it was for Delia and I and to PUT A ROLEPLAY above it all of all things was asinine.”

“Before I hung up, I said “I don’t want to talk to you for a while. It feels like I’m a wall to you and you don’t care about me as a person.”

This all happened a week ago, and Jenna recently reached out to them to ask if they could chat. They were hopefully that Jenna had taken to heart what they had said when they last spoke, but they were so wrong.

Jenna fully expects them to apologize for insulting her interest in furry roleplaying. Jenna feels that they are being neglectful of their 26-year long friendship.

They’re left feeling lost with what to do here. They can’t believe the drama that went down over this roleplaying stuff, and they really do miss Jenna, the woman who used to be more than just her different characters.

“I miss talking like a normal person,” they continued. “It feels so weird to see the Jenna I saw grow up to be this intelligent woman become someone who just tunnel visions like this and forgets there are other people who are busy.”

“She’s been messaging me nonstop telling me I don’t put our friendship and our roleplay first and that makes me at fault, but I feel like my child NEEDS to come first.”

They don’t want to ruin their friendship with Jenna, but this is so out of control.

How would you handle this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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