
“Slugging” Is The Latest Viral Skincare Routine For Seasonal Dryness

Do you suffer from dry and cracking skin during chilly winter months? You are not alone.

Eighty-one million Americans suffer this same frustration each year. But, a new trending skincare hack may help you put your dryness in the past.

“Slugging” recently went viral on TikTok after Faith Allison, a self-proclaimed “trend-tester,” shared her skincare routine.

“Slugging is when you use a petroleum-based product to create a barrier between your skin and the outside world,” Faith said on her account, @Therealfaithallison.

“Since petroleum molecules are too large for your skin to actually absorb them, it creates a barrier allowing your skin to stay plumper and moisturized,” she explained.

Faith first does a treatment, then moisturizes, and finishes with an oil serum. Once finished priming her face, Faith begins applying the petroleum under her eyes and works outward across the rest of her face.

Still, if you have combination skin like Faith does, you can avoid oil hot spots altogether. She tends to only lightly cover her chin and completely avoids her t-zone.

Once you are finished applying the petroleum jelly, you are all set to hit the sack for a good night’s rest!

TikTok; pictured above is Faith in her video explaining how she slugs

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