
Back In 2016, She Claimed To Have Been Kidnapped For Several Weeks And Held At Gunpoint, But Now She’s Being Accused Of Faking The Entire Thing While Staying At Her Ex-Boyfriend’s House

An officer with the California Highway Patrol quickly rushed to the scene, where he discovered that it appeared Sherri had been abused by whoever had kidnapped her.

“PAPINI had a chain around her waist that one arm was bound to, 24 with additional bindings around her other wrist and each ankle,” an affidavit explained.

“PAPINI was transported to Woodland 25 Hospital where she underwent several physical examinations. She appeared to have lost a considerable 26 amount of weight, and her long blonde hair had been cut much shorter.”

“She had been branded on her 27 right shoulder, although the exact content of the brand was indistinguishable.”

“PAPINI’s nose was 28 swollen, she had bruises on her face, rashes on her left arm and left upper inner thigh as well as other parts of her body, ligature marks on her wrists and ankles, burns on her left forearm, and bruising on 2 her pelvis and the fronts of both legs.”

Sherri stated in an interview with authorities that she had been kidnapped and held hostage by two women with a gun.

They were Hispanic, according to Sherri, and she was able to give enough information that a sketch was completed by the FBI of the women.

After 5 entire years of searching for Sherri’s kidnappers, investigators released a shocking statement; Sherri allegedly made the entire thing up.

“The investigation eventually showed, however, that this was a false narrative Papini fabricated,” the California Department of Justice said in a statement after arresting Sherri and charging her with engaging in mail fraud as well as making false statements to a federal law enforcement officer.

“In truth, Papini had been voluntarily staying with a former boyfriend in Costa Mesa and had harmed herself to support her false statements.”

It’s pretty wild to think that Sherri faked the entire thing, especially since she gave a lot of details regarding her supposed imprisonment by these Hispanic women. Sherri was arrested a few days ago on March 2nd, and if she is found guilty of the charges against her, she’s looking at a  $250,000 fine and as many as 5 years in prison.

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