
People Share The Necessary “Small Things” To Consider Before Deciding To Get Married

Considering Your Partner’s Past Relationships 

“A lot of people think that their partner’s past relationships do not matter. This is true to a certain extent. But, in my opinion, I think it is important to know the type of dynamic my partner had with previous women.”

“If a guy says that all of his ex-girlfriends were crazy, then either he is a bad judge of character, or he was the problem.”


“I wish people would pay more attention to this. Either it is poor judgment, or they mistreated their past partners and decided that their entirely reasonable reaction to being hurt was them being crazy.”


Being Real About Finances 

“People like to romanticize the whole ‘money does not matter if we love each other’ thing. But, it will definitely matter.”

“Saving behavior, investment mindset, debt, spending habits, what your partner considers whats versus needs– all of this will affect you in some way.”


Their Everyday Reaction To Your Presence

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