
She’s Thinking Of Breaking Up With Her Girlfriend Because She Planned Their Wedding The First Week Of Dating And That’s Only One Of The Red Flags

deagreez - - Illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Like many people nowadays, this eighteen-year-old woman met her girlfriend on Tinder about one month ago. They hit it off quickly online, but this woman was nervous that the spark would not be the same in person. Instead, she was happy to be proven wrong.

“She was just as amazing in real life as she was online,” the woman said, “On our first date, we went ice skating and easily made conversation. I was really enjoying my time with her– much more than I had with any of my other dates.”

Their conversation forged beyond surface-level niceties, too. The woman’s date opened up about childhood problems such as abuse, PTSD, and attachment issues.

The woman had no problem with her date’s forwardness and comforted her. But, this sentiment did not last long.

“After the date, I was on cloud nine, but it soon came tumbling down after I realized that she was constantly texting me. I did not think much of it at first, but it soon became every second of the day,” the woman recalled.

It did not matter if the woman told her date she was working. Her date would continuously spam the woman with non-stop text messages until she responded.

This already made her date seem obsessive, but then she took it to the next level.

“On a date, she had seen my schedule for work when I was checking if my manager added any extra shifts. She had memorized my shifts after one look and began messaging me based on when my job started, finished, and when I had breaks,” the woman described.

The pair would not stop talking until one in the morning. Then, at four in the morning, the texts would begin again until the woman woke up.

deagreez – – Illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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