
She’s Worried That Her Neighbor Might Be Obsessed With Her

Drobot Dean - - Illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 19-year-old girl thinks that her married, 30-year-old female neighbor might be obsessed with her, and it’s beginning to really freak her out.

Her neighbor’s husband happens to be a really good friend of her family’s, but her neighbor is pretty new to her.

Her neighbor only got married recently and then moved next door. Up until a few weeks ago, she had never even seen her neighbor at all, let alone talked to her.

A week ago, several terrible storms hit her hometown, and then there was a tornado warning. Her neighbor saw her attempting to get some of her outdoor things inside so they wouldn’t blow away.

Her neighbor hastily came out to speak to her, asking if she wanted to stay at their place, and she said yes.

She felt comfortable saying yes to her neighbor since she already was very friendly with her neighbor’s husband.

Once at her neighbor’s house, she chatted with her husband and tried to remain calm about the impending tornado.

After the storm blew through, she was heading out to the door of her neighbor’s house when she spotted a 55-gallon tank lying on their floor.

Her neighbor mentioned they were selling it, so she paid her $100 for it and took it home with her that day.

Drobot Dean – – Illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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