
A Guy She Went On A Date With Called Her Sick For Naming Her Kitten After Her Ex-Fiancé

Yakobchuk Olena - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 30-year-old woman was engaged to her fiancé James 4 years ago, and she had been with him for an entire decade before he dumped her for one sad reason.

After she graduated college, she had picked up her whole life to move to be with James, and they had discussed getting married after her graduation until James went back on his promise to her.

James told her that “he didn’t want to settle” for her and he “could do better.” Understandably, she admits she didn’t deal well with James dumping her like that.

To help cope with being dumped, she went down to her local animal shelter and adopted a kitten there who was just a few weeks old and didn’t have a name.

James always told her she was not allowed to have a cat, and if she did get one he would leave her over it since he was worried about having to compete with a cat for her attention.

“…In my grief over losing my relationship, I named the cat after him,” she explained. “I figured since I couldn’t have my James, I could instead have little Jimmy. Not my healthiest moment.”

That was all a couple of years ago now, and Jimmy is still with her. She’s also since gone to therapy, which has helped her to see that her relationship with James was anything but healthy.

Despite that, she does not feel bad for adopting Jimmy and naming him after her ex-fiancé, who really only permitted her and his closest family members to call him Jimmy instead of James when they were alone.

Recently, she met a guy through a dating app, and she went out on a first date with this guy. Jimmy happens to be in one of the photos she has on her dating profile, so this guy was asking her about Jimmy on their date.

Yakobchuk Olena – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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