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She Was Walking Across Campus When She Got Screamed At For Ruining A Girl’s Graduation Photos

She thinks it’s incredibly “selfish” when people taking photos get angry at those around them for not standing as still as a statue while they monopolize highly traveled parts of campus for the perfect backdrop.

A few days ago, she walked over to get some food in the dining hall before heading back to her dorm room with it.

As she headed back to her room, she made her way down one of the main routes through her college campus.

“There were 4 groups taking photos along it, and the group nearest to where I had to cross their photos, stopped and stared at me,” she continued.

“The girl who was graduating and getting her pics taken scoffed loudly and started yelling at me calling me names for being “so rude” and for not “at least waiting” for their active round of pics to stop.”

She looked at this girl before walking away. She didn’t appreciate being screamed at, but she couldn’t say or do anything to get this girl to calm down.

So, avoiding the situation seemed like the best option, but this girl only grew more irate as she kept going toward her dorm room.

The girl screamed at her even more loudly as she kept her back turned to her.

Looking back on everything now, she does feel bad for not saying sorry to this girl for ruining her graduation photos, but in that moment, she was not thrilled at this entitled girl’s behavior.

Finals are going on, everyone on campus is stressed, and the last thing she needed was to have a girl yell at her in public like that.

She doesn’t think it’s fair at all for this girl or anyone else to think she should hold her whole life up while photos get taken.

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