
This Mom Has A Great Safety Hack That She Teaches Her Kids In The Hopes That It May Save Their Lives One Day

If you are a parent looking for all the tips, tricks, and hacks when it comes to parenting, you are in the right place.

We have been lucky enough to come across Tik Toker Chauvon Landry who goes by @thelandryfamily504.

This mama carries plenty of tips and life hacks inside her pocket, and as a parent, checking out her page is an absolute must.

First off, if you are someone who is constantly paranoid about the thought that someone may attempt to steal your child, the information we are about to tell you could help save a child’s life.

While we focus on telling our children to scream as loud as they can when a kidnapper attempts to take them away, it could be hard to hear them on a playground full of other screaming children.

I mean, think about it. A playground is often full of screaming children.

Instead, Chauvon has an even better hack to help your child get noticed in a time of need, and it’s swearing.

Chauvon teaches her 6 children this survival hack. She hopes they never have to use it, and she informs her kids that if anyone tries to take them away from their family, they should scream and yell out every single curse word they could possibly think of at the time.

TikTok; pictured above is Chauvon

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