
Her Husband Cut Her Daughter’s Piano Into Pieces And She Wants Him To Buy A New One

He refused to listen and declared that she wasn’t being a good mom for letting Callie put time into music instead of studying.

She stood up to him as they disagreed, but in the end, her husband said that he would drop this.

Well, two days ago, her husband became angry with Callie for playing piano, which interrupted his sleep.

“He issued an ultimatum, either the piano goes or he gets rid of it himself,” she said. “I asked where should I take it? He said Callie’s grandparent’s house but Callie didn’t want to.”

“After we left I found out that my husband took it to the junkyard his dad works at and cut it into pieces. A big argument ensued and we literally had a screaming match in front of his family over this.”

“I gave him 2 days to pay for a new one despite him apologizing and saying he acted in a moment of desperation and frustration. He said the only way he could pay for it is using his savings that was supposed to go towards his new garage as a side business.”

Her husband is now whining about how she’s destroying his ability to build a business because he needs to use the money to buy Callie a new piano.

Her husband’s family has been attempting to get her to give him at least 4 more months, but she expects him to get Callie a piano as soon as possible.

She’s wondering if it’s not so nice of her to make her husband pay up for the piano this week instead of allowing him a few months to get more money together.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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