
His Wife Wasn’t Honest With Him About Naming Their Baby After Her Late Husband And After He Found Out He Told Her He Wants To Pick Another Name

His wife reminded him that they both liked Oliver, and they had already said yes to naming their son that so they can’t just pick a new name.

“I told her I’m not signing the birth certificate if she names him after her ex,” he said.

“She says being insensitive, her mother says I should let it go because it was just a middle name. Her sister says it’s weird to name the baby after the ex in any scenario.”

His wife wasn’t honest with him about where she got the name Oliver from, and he’s upset that she kept trying to come up with a name that’s related to her late husband even though he has strong feelings against this.

Do you think his wife is right and he’s being insensitive, or do you think it is odd for his wife to want to name their baby after her late husband?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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