
This Single Mom With An Enormous Heart Took In 2 Children In Addition To Her 7, And Now They Are All Facing Eviction

kieferpix - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Autumn Davis, a survivor of domestic violence, was forced to flee the state of Florida to save herself and her children from an abusive now ex-husband.

The single mother of 9 children relocated to Nashville, where she thought she could keep her family safe. But unfortunately, she is still on the run.

The family started in a domestic violence shelter, where they were able to find a place in Urban Housing Solutions, which is Nashville’s leading provider of affordable housing.

During the pandemic, Autumn fell behind in rent as her small business slowly declined.

If it wasn’t for the program she was in, the family would have lost their home.

Eventually, she was able to get a job, but unfortunately, the struggle would only just begin.

7 of the 9 children are Autumn’s. She met a young woman in the shelter who was about to lose her two children due to her situation and a horrible addiction to drugs.

Autumn fought for the children in court as it was known that no one else would be there to take care of the kids.

The two children were very young, with one being 3 weeks old and the other 2-years-old.

kieferpix – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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