Her Boyfriend Intentionally Smashed The Expensive Birthday Gift She Bought For Him, And She’s Left Wondering Why

opolja - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
opolja - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 22-year-old girl has a boyfriend 10 years older than her, and they recently celebrated his birthday on the first of this month.

For her boyfriend’s birthday present, she went out and bought him a birthday present that was expensive for her to afford.

She got her boyfriend a designer leather magnet bracelet, and she paid around $88 for the gift.

“The other day he came home after a night of drinking with his brother and all their friends (I couldn’t go as I was working) and said that the magnet latch had just fallen off while he was out,” she explained.

“I was quite upset since it cost me so much money and it’s been less than a fortnight that he’s had it.”

She didn’t buy her boyfriend’s story about how the expensive gift she had purchased for him broke, as it’s a high-end product and the latch could not have just come off without something happening to it.

Luckily, she did get the bracelet insured in the event something like this happened, and she let her boyfriend know how to go about getting the bracelet replaced.

Although she did that, her boyfriend has not said a word about intending to follow through with getting the bracelet replaced.

On top of that, the retailer she bought the bracelet from has her email address for the insurance information, and she would have gotten an email if he wanted to get it taken care of, but she has not.

opolja – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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A day ago, the girl who is dating her boyfriend’s brother revealed to her that it was no accident that the birthday gift she bought broke.

“Yesterday, my bf’s brother’s girlfriend got in contact with me saying that she saw my boyfriend take off the bracelet, close the latch, and use basically all his strength to pull it apart, which resulted in the latch breaking due to how he was holding it and the angle he was pulling it at,” she said.

“I’m honestly so hurt that he would purposely break such an expensive gift.”

“I could understand if it got caught on something at work, but since it was broken due to his own actions I can’t help but feel like he doesn’t like it or wanted something better, even though he was thankful when I gave it to him.”

Her boyfriend is currently not aware of the fact that she knows his gift did not break on accident, and she’s questioning how to bring this up with him.

How do you think she should do this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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