
She Finally Snapped On Her Boyfriend After He Teased Her About Failing High School In Front Of Their Friends

Tatiana Morozova - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman and her boyfriend have been together for two years and have been dealing with a bit of a power struggle since they met.

On their first date, the boyfriend asked if she had ever pursued higher education after high school. The woman not only said no but also shared how she failed out of high school. Her boyfriend was shocked.

“He was a high achiever and could not possibly understand how somebody could fail high school,” the woman recalled.

Nonetheless, this did not deter him from dating the woman, and they have been together ever since. Still, the man never gives up an opportunity to tease the woman about her lack of academic achievements.

“Truthfully, it does not bother me,” she explained.

The woman has secured a high-paying job and knows that she has achieved great things despite not receiving a traditional education.

And this security in her choices and profession had been enough throughout their relationship. That was, until recently.

The woman and her boyfriend had some friends over at their house to drink and hang out.

Eventually, the conversation turned toward reminiscing about high school– specifically, what classes everyone took during senior year.

Tatiana Morozova – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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