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She Thought Something Was Not Right About Her Boyfriend, And Then She Learned That He Lied About The Entire Relationship He Claimed To Have Been In Before Her In A Creepy Way

Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Several years ago, a girl began dating her boyfriend, and not long into their relationship, she thought something was not quite right about him.

Within merely weeks of dating him, she noticed that he really had no “experience” being in a relationship, yet he claimed to have dated a girl before her for close to a year.

As for why her boyfriend had broken up with his last girlfriend, he chalked it up to them not really being on the same page about life.

So, as she got further and further into a relationship with him, she realized he didn’t seem to have any knowledge about intimacy, or connecting, or anything really.

She felt as if she was dating a teenager, even though she wasn’t and he was in his 30s, and she frequently found herself going out of her way to point out to him what was normal in a relationship or expected.

At some point in her relationship, her boyfriend got nasty with her. He began screaming at her nonstop, insulting her to no end, and she couldn’t help but pause and think about if her boyfriend’s ex had gone through the same thing.

She really did want to reach out to his ex and ask her about what he had been like with her, but she chose not to for a long time.

She was hesitant to speak to her boyfriend’s ex, as she knew this girl would have to find her annoying for asking questions about his behavior.

“After considering it for a while, I reached out to this ‘ex’ to see if he had treated her the same way,” she explained.

Andrey_Arkusha – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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