She Worked On A Cruise Ship For Over A Year, And Now She’s Dishing All The Creepy Facts About Cruises

If you’ve ever been on a cruise for a lovely vacation, have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes?

Well, a young woman has taken to TikTok to educate viewers on what things go on during a cruise experience that guests may not be aware of.

TikTok user Lauren (@laurentalkssmack) has worked on cruise ships in the past and was inspired to make a video about what she learned during that time after other former cruise ship employees came on TikTok with their own videos.

Lauren’s video emphasizes all of the ‘creepy’ things that she learned while working on a cruise. For starters, there is actually a morgue on board most cruise ships.

Granted, many of them are probably unused, but poor Lauren had a traumatic experience.

She once saw a covered dead body being wheeled out of a ship’s morgue and said it was enough to make her not want to work on a cruise anymore.

Lauren also mentioned that there is a jail on cruise ships. So if someone gets in trouble or does anything illegal while aboard, there is a place for them to go.

If you’ve been on an elevator inside of a cruise ship, perhaps you’ve noticed that many of them do not have an option to go up to deck 13. The buttons may go from 12 straight to 14. This is not an error.

TikTok; pictured above is Lauren in her video

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According to Express UK, many cruise ships do not have a deck 13 because of superstitious reasons. 13 has been known to be an extremely unlucky number. Like ‘Friday, the 13th!’

There are some people out there with what’s called triskaidekaphobia, a phobia relating to the extreme superstition and fear around the number 13.

Andy Harmer, the SVP Membership and Director of CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association), told Express UK that a “number of line cruises have chosen to do this, simply in line with the tradition.”

Lauren found that to be a bit odd.

“We’re on a cruise ship, and you’re telling me that superstition comes into play?” she asks in her video.

On a lighter note, some fans of reality shows about ship employees like Below Deck may be tickled to know that the party atmosphere between crew members really does exist.

“The crew works extremely hard,” says Lauren in one of her videos. “But we party even harder to compensate for all the work.”

So it sounds like the fun might just outweigh the creepy!

To view Lauren’s TikTok video, visit the link here.

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