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Her 12-Year-Old Daughter Drew A Family Portrait That Excluded Her Son, So Now She Does Not Want To Hang The Art Up In Her Home

Alena Ozerova - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman’s twelve-year-old daughter is a great artist and has been working on one of her largest pieces ever over the last couple of weeks.

But, the daughter recently unveiled her project– which was a semi-realistic charcoal drawing of the family– and wants the woman to hang it in their home.

The only problem is that the family portrait excluded the woman’s ten-year-old son– which is a choice she believes her daughter made on purpose for two reasons.

“First of all, the portrait depicts me next to my husband and my daughter in between us with the cat on her lap,” the woman explained.

“The dog is next to us all. And, while I am no artist myself, it is very clear just what my daughter was trying to say.”

The second and more concrete reason has to do with her daughter and son’s relationship.

Apparently, the woman’s daughter has always been a bully to her brother by trying to get him in trouble and basically resenting him for existing.

She also claims her son does not do anything to bother her daughter like he used to– such as go into her room without permission or take her belongings. Nonetheless, the daughter’s hatred for her brother has continued on.

“Most days, he is never even in the same room [as her] except for meals. And when we have meals, he never talks to her, and she never says anything to him,” the woman said.

Alena Ozerova – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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