
Her Mother And Stepfather Are Furious Because She Does Not Want To Invite Her Stepfamily To Her Wedding

Slava_Vladzimirska - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman’s wedding is approaching very quickly, and, for months, her mother and stepfather have been harassing her about the guest list.

This debacle stems all the way back to the woman’s childhood– when her father sadly passed away while she was just seven years old and her sister was five years old.

Apparently, her father’s side consisted of the most active family members in their lives. Her mother’s family, on the other hand, was far from involved.

Then, her mother went on to marry her stepfather two years later, when she was nine years old– and his family did not keep up much contact either.

And after her mother got remarried, she did gain some step-siblings who, at the time, ranged from three to eight years old.

“We all lived together, and there was drama because, out of all of us, my sister and I were the ones with an extended family involved in our life,” she recalled.

For example, her extended family would show up for her and her sister’s significant life milestones, such as school plays and graduations. But, they did not show up for her step-siblings– which her mother despised.

And now that she is getting married, they first wanted her to give her step-siblings full roles in the wedding. But, she put her foot down and refused to do that.

“I love my sister more. I care about my sister more. To me, she is my real sibling, and they are not the same,” she said.

Slava_Vladzimirska – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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