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She Kicked Her Husband And In-Laws Out After They Tried Forcing Her To Be A Stay-At-Home Mom

And after that, her mother-in-law said something that seriously infuriated her.

“My mother-in-law decided to throw it in my face that I never got to be a stay-at-home mom because I was a single mom going to school and working,” she recalled.

“And she is not wrong, but it definitely made me pissed that she brought it up.”

She went on to explain to her in-laws how she worked so hard to give her first son a good life.

And now, welcoming another baby will not stop her from going back to a job that she absolutely loves.

She also suggested that if everyone wants a parent to stay home with the kids and clean all day, they should encourage Jeff to be a stay-at-home dad since he makes less money than her anyway.

That comment, even though true, turned the conversation into a full-blown screaming match. Her in-laws began yelling that it was not Jeff’s “role as a father” to stay home.

They also claimed he should be the man of the house and the lead bread maker.

And at that point, she reminded her in-laws that they were standing in her home before promptly kicking them out.

On top of that, Jeff stood there silently throughout the entire argument before leaving with his parents.

Now, Jeff is apparently furious with her and claims that he will not be returning home until she apologizes to him and his parents.

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