
She’s 30-Years-Old, Living In A Retirement Home, And Sharing On TikTok What It’s Like

One user commented on her TikTok video asking if she genuinely liked living there as they would be out in a heartbeat.

Liz responded with a video saying the beach is across the street, right outside of her apartment is the bay, and she has sweet neighbors who bring her food all of the time, so of course! She loves living there!

Another user asked if she gets lonely or sad when her snowbird neighbors leave for the summer.

As an introvert, Liz loves the summer just as she loves having a busy winter with her surrounding neighbors.

During the summer, it is quiet and peaceful. She doesn’t have to wait for a laundry line and enjoys quiet time.

However, she looks forward to seeing her neighbors again in the winter as the environment gets a bit more lively, and she genuinely enjoys hanging out with them!

After listening to Liz’s story, maybe moving into a beach retirement home at the age of 30 isn’t so bad after all!

Click here to find more videos, including her journey living in a retirement home.

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