
Strange Holes Discovered On The Atlantic Ocean Floor Have Perplexed Scientists And Led To Countless Theories Online

Some have used natural disasters and sea life to explain the occurrence.

“I think it is a minor crack in the surface that allowed gasses to escape. It looks somewhat similar to sand bursts that appear during earthquakes,” commented one user.

“Mollusk of some sort under the sand that blows out a vent before slowly moving along and blowing another vent,” another user suggested.

Meanwhile, other users have made more outlandish and playful guesses.

“A swordfish sharpening its bill,” joked one user.

“I would say a starfish doing cartwheels!” wrote another.

“I am not saying that it’s aliens, but it’s aliens,” commented a third.

Facebook; pictured above is another photo of the holes

The NOAA has pledged to make all data from the dive publicly available once the expedition ends.

Until then, though, the social media community will be left speculating about the unique sand holes.

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