
He Kicked A Girl Out Of His Friend Group After She Said Bad Things About Him To His Crush, And Now A Bunch Of His Friends Are Mad At Him

And everything was fine after that until the friend group all went out to a bar together. More specifically, his parents’ bar that he bartends at.

Since he usually works there, his friend group is known as regulars at the bar. He would always send out a group text whenever there were specials going on and invite all the friends to come down– including Zoe.

But, after he did that same thing about a week ago, something was different– because right after Zoe walked in, she immediately started talking to him.

He was working, though, so it was hard to hold a conversation, and he kept moving along the bar.

Nonetheless, he did decide to charge her full price for the drinks the entire night, which was out of character. In the past, he would sometimes hook up his friends with cheaper drinks, but it did not happen all the time.

So, after Zoe realized this, she began complaining to his other friends about the bill– which seriously ticked him off.

Plus, he apparently invited another girl he was interested in to visit the bar that night, which opened up a whole other can of worms.

Once he began talking to that girl, Zoe apparently walked up and decided to introduce herself “completely out of the blue.”

Then, Zoe and the girl began talking alone at the bar, and it slipped out that he and Zoe “used” to be good friends until he asked her out.

The girl that he invited was not very happy after learning that, though, and he actually had to spend the entire next hour explaining his way out of it.

And because he was so pissed off at Zoe about it, he decided not to text Zoe the next time he invited the whole group out.

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