
Her Ex Is Mad She Never Sends Her Son To His House With Nice Clothes Anymore, And He’s Accusing Her Of Making Him Look Poor

Following Mass, she decided to have Alex change from his nice clothes into his casual clothes before he went with his father.

“I have been doing this for about two months now, and it has helped my bank account a lot to not have to spend a fortune whenever they get wrecked,” she said.

But recently, her ex has been pretty ticked off about the sudden wardrobe change.

She tried to explain how the switch was only because Alex would constantly come home with ruined clothes. However, her ex believes she is not sending him with nice clothes anymore for a more sinister reason.

In fact, he thinks she is doing it on purpose to basically rub in his face that he is “broke.” Still, that thought never even crossed her mind.

“I said that was his own insecurities talking because I have never ever done that, and I have given him multiple chances. I would even be fine if he at least washed them to the point where they were not un-washable and stained,” she vented.

Nonetheless, her ex will not let it go. He claimed that he needed Alex to go to his house with nice clothes in case they went out somewhere.

Plus, he said she is being a jerk for not allowing her son to enjoy his time while wearing certain clothing items and that they are “just clothes.”

So, she basically told her ex that if clothes hold such little significance, he needs to get over it.

But, this pissed him off even more, and he even ended up telling other friends and family members about the ordeal.

Now, they are also on his side and believe she is being super insensitive to his situation.

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