
He’s Refusing To Take Over The Guardianship Of His Disabled Sister After His Terminally Ill Mother Passes Away

“I know it sounds heartless, but it just is not something I am willing to spend my life on,” he explained.

And his decision has absolutely broken his mother’s heart– because now, she has no idea what to do.

Moreover, she has become really pissed off at him. She has been asking why he does not care about Patricia and claiming that, as Patricia’s big brother, it is his responsibility to look after her.

But, he really does not have a huge explanation as to why he does not want to take over Patricia’s care.

He simply just does not want to be a caretaker.

“It feels horrible hurting my mother like this in her final months, but I also have to think about my life past this year. Patricia would severely hurt my life, and I am just not the type to be a caregiver,” he vented.

In fact, he was apparently very uncomfortable around his sister growing up and moved out of his childhood home as soon as he was able to.

Plus, that experience also made him not want to have any children of his own.

So, if he took on Patricia’s care, he would ultimately commit himself to providing lifelong childcare– something he never saw for himself.

Still, he cannot fathom upsetting his mother so much before she passes. He suggested putting Patricia in a care facility, but his mother is very opposed since she believes they are miserable for people with disabilities.

But, he really does not want to forgo Patricia’s suffering and live with his own resentment if he takes her in.

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