
He Told His Pregnant Wife To Stop Complaining And Acting Like A Child, And Now She’s Refusing To Speak To Him

“The second I get home every night, she wants me to do something for her. She expects me to cook and clean as soon as I get home,” he explained.

Still, he claims to have known that these things were just a normal part of pregnancy. So, he apparently “bit his tongue” despite how much his wife’s behavior annoyed him.

Well, that was until just a few days ago when he got home from a ten-hour shift at work. That night, he was having a bad pain flair-up and just wanted to take a bath and relax.

He also allegedly told his wife about how bad his day had been and said that she should just Doordash some dinner. This was apparently a rare suggestion coming from him since the food delivery fees are so high.

In turn, he thought that Doordash would sound like a treat and make his wife happy. However, his wife actually thought the opposite.

She ended up telling him that takeout would not do because it had been making her sick. So, she asked for a home-cooked meal.

After hearing that, though, he apparently could not take his wife’s “demands” anymore and totally blew up on her.

“I yelled at her. I told her I’d had the worst day and that she needed to stop complaining and be an adult for once,” he recalled. Yikes!

If you could not have guessed it, his wife immediately became upset and started crying. Then, even though he repeatedly tried to apologize, his wife actually ended up leaving their house.

He did not know where his wife had gone at the time. But, she apparently went to her parent’s house– because a few hours later, he received a call from his infuriated mother-in-law.

And on the phone, he got accused of being a misogynistic jerk, along with a ton of other names. However, he did not think he deserved that, so he just hung up the phone.

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