
He Was Starved, Neglected, And Left Inside Of A House That Had No Heat In The Middle Of Winter: After She Rescued Him, She Was Forced To Give Him Back To His Family

“He was dirty and horribly emaciated. He was so dehydrated that his coat was plagued with dandruff, his lips were cracked and bleeding, and his eyes were bloodshot and cloudy,” she wrote. “Kano was also later diagnosed with a double ear infection, interdigital dermatitis, conjunctivitis, separation anxiety, and atopic dermatitis.”

Being taken in by Sophia was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to Kano. She, in a way, saved his life.

“Under my care, Kano thrived. He gained 30lbs, and all of his medical issues were resolved,” she wrote.

With Sophia, Kano lived a beautifully happy life. He was a normal, well-cared-for dog who got to enjoy the carefree little things out of life.

“His days were filled with walks around the neighborhood, during which he visited his favorite human friends,” she detailed. “He had piles of toys, and it was amazing watching him quickly learn how to be a playful puppy.”

Sophia and her boyfriend struck gold when they were told that Kano was now theirs. They could keep him forever:

“On March 26th, during a meeting at a local dog park, Kano’s owner told me and my boyfriend that we could keep Kano: ‘I can see how happy he is, and how much he loves you and you love him. Keep the dog.’ To say we were thrilled would be an understatement. We left the dog park, overjoyed and relieved. We were finally a family. Or so we thought.”

But just when things were looking up for Kano and Sophia thought that they would never have to part, the worst possible thing happened. Although one of his owners agreed to let him go, not all of them did.

“About one month later, I was informed that her son had been released from jail and was demanding “his dog” be returned,” she wrote.

As if he were a child, a custody battle ensued, fighting for Kano to stay with his foster family. But things didn’t work out well for Sophia. She was court-ordered to return Kano to his prior owners– the ones who abandoned him in freezing weather.

“On Friday, September 16, 2022, the Gloucester Township civil court ruled that Kano should be returned to this man’s custody,” she wrote. This was the decision even though she presented evidence of “abandonment, neglect, and abuse” and with “no proof that Kano was owned, registered, or licensed to this man.”

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