
His Best Friend Just Revealed That She’s Spent Years Sleeping With A Mannequin And He Isn’t Sure How To Get Her Help

“She sleeps with this mannequin. She mentioned waking up with her hand on his mannequin junk as some kind of coping mechanism or relief from loneliness. She was in a relationship with another guy before, and she said she just put the mannequin in the closet until the relationship was going bad, at which point she was openly sleeping with the said mannequin in some kind of jealousy ploy.”

“We were talking tonight, and I brought it up. Quite honestly, I was thinking I misunderstood or something. I was not misunderstanding, and it was all exactly as I heard.”

Knowing this was way over his head in terms of something he could help her deal with, he suggested to his friend that she contact a therapist to help her with this.

He believes that was the best advice he could have given her, as she does need to deal with this mannequin thing, though he can’t help her.

As their conversation continued last night, he wound up telling her that he really had to go since he wasn’t sure what else to say to her. He cares deeply for his friend and knows she needs serious help, but he isn’t sure that she will reach out to a therapist quickly.

He’s left wondering if there’s any more than he can do for his friend. Do you think so?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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