
His Mom Booked A Family Dinner At A Restaurant Neither His Wife Nor Daughter Could Eat At, So He Canceled The Reservation, And She Freaked Out

In turn, if his mother really wanted to eat there, she would have to order the vegetarian menu for their family.

However, his mother did not get it. In fact, she claimed she just wanted to try the meats and did not care if Mel and Lucy could not eat anything. On top of that, his mother apparently expected him to foot the dinner bill for his entire family.

In turn, he thought it would be ridiculous to provide everyone with a dinner that both his wife and daughter would have to just watch.

So, he decided to cancel the reservation and book his family at one of the “safe” restaurants. But, his mother was furious. She apparently threw a massive temper tantrum, called him a jerk for canceling the booking, and whined about how much she wanted to try out the new restaurant.

And even after he tried to explain his reasoning again, his mother still did not calm down.

“I have spoken to her numerous times about it– saying that my wife and daughter couldn’t eat anything there– and she knows about their intolerances and was refusing to compromise,” he recalled.

So, if you could not have guessed it, the family dinner was eventually called off. And ever since it was supposed to happen, he has received tons of texts and calls from other family members who are also accusing him of being a selfish jerk.

Nevertheless, he didn’t think that trying to make sure his wife and daughter could also eat was such a bad thing. Still, all of the pushback from his family has made him wonder if canceling his mom’s reservation was really the wrong thing to do.

Do you think he had a good reason for canceling the reservation? Who is really being the “selfish” one here? If you were in his shoes, what would you have done? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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